Friday, February 18, 2011

Is original design still alive in Handmade Business?

I had a very interesting conversation on Facebook with other handmade business owners regarding why we question our originality every time we are creating a new design or a new product to sell. The conversation turned to a fan that became slightly obsessed about one handmade business’ products. The fan made some distressing comments on the business owner’s facebook page alleging that some items were not her designs and should not be sold as if they were original creations. In the end the fan was blocked from her page permanently, a sad ending.

 Now, this business sells handmade crochet items, so it’s difficult to make a hat, scarf or even an Amigurumi and say its’ never been done before. We recognise the crafter’s work as original because she designs and crochets her own patterns. It can be very hard to come up with something that is an original design. Many times I have been designing a new product for my shop and check afterwards on the net to find someone else has come up with the same if not similar idea. So what I am supposed to do, not make anything any longer because everything has been done before? No. I just make the item anyway and by the end of the designing process, the concept might be similar but the end result is completely different. So for me originality has its nuances. A product or item can be original for me when the use of fabric strikes me as a great colour combination that I might never thought of using. Example of this is the pencil roll ups which a lot of handmade shops are selling at the moment. The concept of the pencil roll up is the same but I have seen some pretty amazing ones on handmade markets that I would call original work.

I know what you are thinking, yes, there are a lot of copy cats out there. We need to be very careful when pointing the finger at the originality of a fellow crafter’s work. This is because in one way or another we inspire each other’s creativity and originality. Perhaps we should redefine the concept of originality in our handmade community so we can be kinder to one another.
Inspiration for me is the key to designing a new item and I get my inspiration from different handmade crafters in our community. Here are some of my favourite businesses at the moment. These are the ones who make me want to sit behind my sewing machine and make cute things for others to enjoy!

Pikelet Workshop: Jen is from Perth, she makes these very special little poppet's who are a huge hit at the moment; they make me want to be a kid again! 

Hugs & Inspiration: is a home based Melbourne business run by Lou, Ange and Mel, three stay at home mums. They design, create and mount, 3D art images for children.

Plushka’s: Katia started her little craft venture when after working a year dealing with numbers and paperwork, she felt the urge to express herself and be creative. Craft was a part of her heritage and making things was a part of her life since she started cross-stitch classes at the age of 12. She lives in Sydney and makes these lovely softies!!! 

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